Friday, September 14, 2007

What I have learned being a Deacon's wife - - -

When Tom first began his journey through the Deaconate program I was worried that I would not be qualified to help him in his ministry. Oh, I had been involved in different ministries at church pretty much all my life but Tom being ordained seemed to kick everything up a notch. Tom has a degree in theology and spent five years in formation before becoming a Deacon. He has forgotten more about the Bible and the Church than I will ever be able to learn. The one thing I knew for sure was that I never want to say the wrong thing and embarrass Tom and I never wanted to be the cause of someone having misinformation about the church. I also knew that there was no way I would ever obtain the knowledge that Tom possess. So, what to do? Pray!
Every time I was asked to speak at a retreat or teach a class I PRAYED. I prepared to the best of my ability, made my notes, ran my copies and so on. In the end I knew that I would have to depend to the Holy Spirit to get me through.
I have learned that if I was ask a question that I did not feel comfortable answering it was no shame for me to say “Let me get with Father or Tom and I will get back to you”. I always made sure to make a note and get the answer then get back to them. People can handle a truthful “I don’t know” better than they can an answers that beats around the bush and never really addresses their issue. Some people will not like your answer no matter how biblical or doctorial based it is. I have had a couple of people go to Father and tell him what I said in class and his answer has always been “Well, isn’t that strange that is exactly what the church teaches”. Then he takes the time to explain a bit more – bottom line they still don’t like the answer.
I have learned that often time’s people will ask me questions that they would never ask my husband or the Priest. Some are cradle Catholics and do not want the Priest to know they did not already know. Some people are just not comfortable approaching a “man of the cloth”.
I have learned that if someone is in need of money or food they are more apt to approach me. They have learned that I am a soft touch!
I have learned that if there is no toilet paper in the bathroom they will come and find me. Same goes for wine, wafers, candles or alter servers.
I have learned that there is a lot of things I can do to serve God, Church and my husband do not need a college education.
I have learned that they Holy Spirit is always there when I call and guides my words quite often
I have learned that: God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

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